On Saturday, November 9, InfoSec traveled to Utica, NY to participate in CNY Hackathon. The Central New York Hackathon is a beginner-friendly cybersecurity competition hosted at Mohawk Valley Community College that attracts universities from Central and Upstate New York. The competition is a traditional blue-team red-team competition with Capture the Flag puzzles. InfoSec brought more than 20 members who competed on nearly every team at the competition.
Members thoroughly enjoyed the hackathon through its ups and downs. Notable highlights were a Capture the Flag competition based on deciphering a Rubix cube and success with various infrastructure services. Competitors faced many challenges from the Red Team on the infrastructure side of things, which made those elements interesting and engaging. Overall, the whole competition gave its participants a sense of accomplishment and fostered a friendly learning environment.
CNY Hackathon awards two superlatives per competing team (Most Valuable Player and Most Improved Player). Syracuse University students brought home several of these awards. Team 4 won the competition, which two Syracuse students were a part of (including E-board’s own Townsend!).
Thanks to CNY Hackathon’s organizers, sponsors, and volunteers who made the competition possible!