ISC_Crackme Walkthrough
By Townsend Southard Pantano
This simple license validator is designed to expose the user to a revere engineering workflow, using Binary Ninja to reverse the license format and validation to bypass the license check and generate a license that the program thinks is valid.
The goal:
Generate your own license that will be accepted by the program. Your license should result in valid values for all the fields under License Details
Running the program:
When the program starts, you should see a UI that looks similar to this:
Pressing “Check License” yields an error message, Invalid number of fields - The license needs more information
. While not the most useful, that error message lets us know that the license contains several fields, each with some sort of information.
Loading in Binary Ninja:
Binary Ninja is a reverse engineering platform that allows us to disassemble and analyze the program. We will use it to reverse engineer the license format and validation to generate a valid license. After loading the program into Binja, set the view mode to “Pseudo C” at the top of the disassembly view to make the disassembly easier to read. The function names can be seen in the left top panel, under “Symbols”, and the strings can be found by clicking on the double-quote icon in the column to the right of the disassembly view.
Note: Details in the screenshots will be different on different builds of the program. The view in the screenshots is the Linux build of the program
Strings: The low-hanging fruit
We can search the strings panel for the error message we saw earlier, Invalid number of fields - The license needs more information
, to try and find the function that causes it.
There will be one result, and double-clicking on it will take us to the strings table. While not the validation function that we were hoping for, the strings table is just as useful.
The strings table is mostly in order, and the possible error messages are towards the bottom of the screenshot: Here are the error messages:
License Successfully Verified!
Invalid format
Invalid number of fields - The license needs more information
Invalid secret number
Invalid licensee email address
License hasn't begun yet
License expired
Invalid license dates. Time travel is prohibited
Invalid license type
Unknown error
The error messages let us know the following about the format of the license:
- A secret number is required
- An email address is required
- The license has a start date
- The license has an expiration date
- The license has a type
- The license is looking for a specific format
Therefore, we can assume that the license has 5 fields:
- Secret number
- Email address
- Start date
- Expiration date
- License type
Setting types
While in the string table, I will set the format of data_43cdfd
to C string. Because the ‘0x2C’ byte is in the string table, it is most likely a C string.
After the type has been set to a C string, we can see that the string is a comma.
Reading Regular Expressions
Also in the string table are 2 regular expressions,
The first regex will match any string composed of blocks of 4 Alphanumeric characters, terminated by either 2 or 1 =
characters. This is the format of a base64 string, so it can be renamed “base64regex” by right-clicking on the data block name and selecting “Rename”.
Note: Base64 encoding is a common method of encoding data as text, using the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9, and the symbols
. The=
character is used as padding at the end of the string. It is particularly useful when a programmer needs to encode non-printable data as printable text.
Regex #2 sill match any string consisting of a series of alphanumeric characters, followed by an @
symbol, followed by another series of alphanumeric characters, and ending with a .
followed by another series of alphanumeric characters. Therefore, this regex is likely meant to match any email addresses, and can be renamed as such.
At this point, the string table should look like this:
Finding the format-checking function
We can search for likely function names that may be called to validate the license. While function names will often be stripped from compiled programs, they are available in this example.
By searching ‘license’ in the Symbols panel, we will have a list of matching functions:
We can look at the function License::checkFormat(std::string)
by double-clicking the function name in the symbols list.
Near the top of the function, we can see that it calls License::b64Check(std::string)
, then xors the result with 1. Therefore, if the base64 check succeeds, then the variable will be set to 0. I will rename this variable to b64CheckResult
for clarity. Also, arg2 should be renamed to ‘inputString’.
The License::checkFormat(std::string)
function should look like this now:
Base64 Check
We can look at License::b64Check(std::string)
by double-clicking the function name in the symbols list.
While there is some logic in the function, near the bottom we can see that it is checking if a string matches a regular expression. We can select the regular expression, "^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+…
and look at the Cross References
(xrefs) pane in the bottom left to see where it is defined. Looking at the xrefs panel, we can see that the regex is the string we renamed to base64regex
earlier. Now we know for a fact that this function is checking if a string is a base64 string.
Back to License::checkFormat(std::string)
Returning to License::checkFormat(std::string)
, we can see that the function enters an if statement if (b64CheckResult == 0)
, which we know means that the base64 check succeeded.
The first code executed inside the if statement is:
0040ab27 void var_c8;
0040ab27 b64_decode(&var_c8, inputString);
and stores the result in var_c8
, which will be renamed to decodedString
.Note: the structure of assigning a variable of void type and immediately calling a function with that as the argument is a common way of passing a reference to a variable. The called function will then set its result to that variable passed in.
Scrolling down towards the bottom of the function to find the next usage of decodedString
, we can see that it is passed to a function splitString
We can see that splitString
is called with decodedString
, a new variable, and 0x2C
as arguments. We can make this clearer by renaming the first argument, in my case var_108
, to splitString
, and by setting the display mode of the 0x2c
to be a character constant, as is shown below:
After changing the display mode, we can see that the function is calling splitString with the decoded string and a comma as arguments.
We can now see that the split output is used right underneath the call to splitString
by checking to see if number of strings in the output is not 5. In the screenshot, the variable rax_8 will be 1 if the length of the list
is not 5, and 0 if the length is 5.
Therefore, we can be sure that there are 5 fields in our valid license
If the length check succeeds (if rax_8 is 0), the function will execute a regular expression check on the first element of the split string:
if (rax_8 == 0)
void var_128;
std::basic_regex<char, std::regex_traits<char> >::basic_regex(&var_128, "^[a-zA-Z0-9._%+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]…", 0x10);
if (std::regex_match<std::ch...har>, char, std::regex_traits<char> >(std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&splitStringOutput, 0), &var_128, 0) == 1)
rbx_1 = 0;
rbx_1 = 4;
std::basic_regex<char, std::regex_traits<char> >::~basic_regex(&var_128);
While it looks complex, it can be simplified relatively easily. Lines 0040ac60 are creating a regex object that checks if a string has an @ symbol, then saves that to var_128
Lines 0040ac98 are checking if the first element of the split string matches the regex
std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&splitStringOutput, 0)
is the same as callingsplitStringOutput[0]
– both are accessing the first element of the output ofsplitString
If the regex check succeeds, the variable rbx_1
will be set to 0, and if it fails, it will be set to 4.
At the bottom of the function, we can see that the function returns rbx_1
. Throughout the function, we can see that rbx_1
is set to different values if either the base64 check or the email check fail, but set to 0 if the checks succeed. Therefore, we can assume that 0 is returned if checkFormat succeeds.
What we have learned so far:
There are 5 elements in the license: Email, Start Date, Expiration Date, Secret Number, and License Type.
- The License is base64 encoded
- The fields are separated by a comma
- Email is the first field of the license
Finding the rest of the fields
Currently we know that the first field is an email address, but we don’t know the rest of the structure of the license. We can look for other uses of splitString
to try and identify other fields in the license. By searching “splitString” in symbols, then selecting the function, we can see the xrefs below the symbols field:
While 2 of the usages are License::checkFormat
, the other usage is License::importLicense
. We can select that entry in the Cross References pane to jump to that usage of splitString
The function License::importLicense
is very dense, but we can start to understand it by renaming variables. We see that b64_decode
is called almost immediately and has its output set to var_38
, so it can be renamed to decoded_string
As with License::checkFormat
, we can see that splitString
is again called with decoded_string
and a comma as arguments (although as before, the comma is viewable as its hex equivalent 0x2c
It becomes clear that the rest of the function is going through the elements of the split license index by index, and saving them to indices within arg1
Note: Since
is an object,arg1
(as decompiled from the Linux binary) is theLicense
object passed to all member functions of the class. Therefore, indexing intoarg1
would be setting fields of a License object.
Using the rest of the function, we can start to build a picture of the data in each field of the license.
std::string::operator=(((char*)arg1 + 0x80), std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&split_string_output, 0));
: We know that the first field of the license is at the first index, split_string_output[0]
, and is the email address.
std::string::operator=(&arg1[0x14], std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&split_string_output, 1));
: The second field of the license is a string
arg1[0x1c] = std::stol(std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&split_string_output, 2), nullptr, 0xa);
arg1[0x1d] = std::stol(std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&split_string_output, 3), nullptr, 0xa);
is a function that converts a string to a long integer. Therefore, the third and fourth fields of the license are interpreted as numbers
std::string::operator=(&arg1[0x18], std::vector<std::string>::operator[](&split_string_output, 4));
: The fifth and last field of the license is a string
What we have learned so far:
- The license is base64 encoded
The fields are separated by a comma
The format of the license is as follows:
- String
- Number
- Number
- String
the five required fields are:
- Start Date
- Expiration Date
- Secret Number
- License Type
It would be unreasonable to assume that the start and end date were different data types (e.g. one being a string and the other being a number), so we can assume that the start and end date are both numbers or both strings.
All that remains to figure out is:
- Whether the dates are stored as numbers or strings
- How the license type is stored
- How the secret number is stored
Diversion: Looking at the error codes:
When reversing the License::checkFormat
function, we saw that the function would return 0 if it succeeded, and 4 if the email check failed.
It may be useful to find other error codes to try and figure out the missing fields of the license. By returning to the string search for one of the error messages, clicking on one of the strings, for example, “Invalid secret number”, we can view the cross-references to that string.
By double-clicking on either of the cross-references that reference that error message, we are taken to License::License()
The function has a list of setting ints to different values, 1-9, then setting a std::pair<int32, char const[some length]>
After renaming the variables, here is the function:
This can also be interpreted as a table of error codes and their corresponding error messages:
Error Code | Error Message |
0 | License Successfully Verified! |
1 | Invalid format |
2 | Invalid number of fields – The license needs more information |
3 | Invalid secret number |
4 | Invalid licensee email address |
5 | License hasn’t begun yet |
6 | License expired |
7 | Invalid license dates. Time travel is prohibited |
8 | Invalid license type |
9 | Unknown error |
By using the values from the table, we can begin to figure out the remaining fields of the license.
Figuring out the date format
We will start by searching the symbols for License::
and looking for likely functions that could tell us more about the format of the date
The list of functions returned by the search includes License::timeCheck()
, so we’ll go there by clicking the function name:
The first thing that the function does is get the current time using the system function, which returns a unix timestamp. For clarity, we will rename the variable to current_time
Note: A Unix timestamp is the number of seconds that have passed since January 1, 1970. It is a common way to store time in programming.
The other two variables referenced in this function are arg1 + 0xe0
and arg1 + 0xe8
. These are likely the start and end dates of the license, but we can’t be sure which is which yet.
We can see that there are 4 possible return values from this function: 7, 5, 0, and 6. Assuming that the return values are error codes, we can refer back to the table of error codes we made earlier.
Error Code Error Message 0 License Successfully Verified! 5 License hasn’t begun yet 6 License expired 7 Invalid license dates. Time travel is prohibited
Using those error codes, we can can infer that the function is checking if the current time is between the start and end dates of the license. If the current time is before the start date, it will return 5, if it is after the end date, it will return 6, and if the current time is between the start and end dates, it will return 0. If the start date is after the end date, it will return 7.
Because of the data types used, we know that the dates are saved as unix timestamps in the license, and that the start date is the first number, and the end date is the second number.
What we have learned so far:
The license is base64 encoded, with the 5 fields separated by commas.
The dates are unix timestamps
The discovered fields are as follows:
- Unknown string
- Start Date
- Expiration Date
- Unknown String
All that is left is to figure out the secret number and the license type
Constructing a partial valid license
Now that we know the format of the license, and the majority of the license fields, we can begin to construct a partial license, and see what the program returns.
To construct the license, I will use 2 websites to generate the unix timestamps and base64 encode the license, although anything that gets the job done is fine:
Note: CyberChef is an incredibly powerful tool. The link to cyberchef pre-fills the recipe for base64 encoding, but you can construct your own recipes by dragging and dropping the operations you want to perform.
Start by generating the timestamps for the start and end date of the license using the epoch converter, selecting any date in the future and any date in the past.
In the “Input” field of CyberChef, enter the license fields separated by commas according to what we know so far:
For example: test@test.test,qwertyuiop,1694245945,1883634745,qwertyuiop
After encoding the license, paste it into the license field of the program and press “Check License” to see what the program says:
Congratulations! The email, format, and date checks have been passed, now the secretNumber check needs to be passed:
Secret Number check:
Back to Binary Ninja, we can search for the function that checks the secret number. By searching for License::isValidSecretNumber
in the symbols, we can find the function that checks the secret number.
The function is very complex. While it would be possible to reverse engineer the function, we can see that it is only ever called in a single location, by looking at the Cross References pane. By clicking on the cross-reference, we jump to that function, License::checkNumber
, which we see has many more references.
There are only 2 possible return values from this function: 3 and 0. Looking back to the table of error codes:
Error Code Error Message 0 License Successfully Verified! 3 Invalid secret number
This function is likely actually in charge of checking the secret number, and is much simpler than the License::isValidSecretNumber
Still, the function calls License::isValidSecretNumber
with the secret number as an argument, so that function is still needed.
However, we can patch the function to not check the output of isValidSecretNumber
and always return 0. To do this, we will select the entire function but the return statement, right-click, and select “Patch Function”, then “Convert to NOP”
NOP stands for No Operation, and is an assembly instruction that does nothing. By converting the function to NOP, we are effectively disabling the function, ensuring that it will always return 0.
To actually apply the changes to the binary, we will save as, then select “Save file contents only”, and save the file.
Now we can run the modified program and enter the same license as before, and see how the behavior changes:
Now that the secret number is patched, the program congratulates you on patching the number check (assuming the number check is patched successfully). However, the license type is still missing, and the “Invalid license type” error still appears.
License Type:
We could start by assuming that the license type is a string, and return to the string table section in Binary Ninja by searching again for any of the error messages in the strings menu.
Returning to the strings table beneath the error messages, we see strings such as, “Professional”, “Standard”, and ” Trial”. These are likely the possible license types. Using the same strategy as was used to construct the error code table, we can also construct a table of license codes and types by selecting a license, then using the Cross References to see where it is referenced.
Back in License::License()
, we can see all of the license types and their corresponding codes, allowing the construction of a table of the License types:
License Code | License Type |
Trialv |
Standard |
Professional |
Professional Plus |
Professional Plus Max Pro Ultra |
Enterprise |
Now that we have the license types, we can construct a license with the license type included, and see if the program accepts the license:
Valid License Construction:
We still don’t know where the license type and the secret number are in the license but we can simply construct 2 licenses, one with the license type in the first unknown spot, and one with the license type in the second unknown spot.
Known Fields: email,unknown_string,start_date,expiration_date,unknown_string
Attempts: email,license_type,start_date,expiration_date,secret_number
and email,secret_number,start_date,expiration_date,license_type
Examples: test@test.test,LIC_UNLIC,1694245945,1883634745,qwertyuiop
, and test@test.test,qwertyuiop,1694245945,1883634745,LIC_UNLIC
Using CyberChef to base64 encode each of the licenses, we can try each of them in the program to see if they are accepted as valid licenses
Note: I used the fork operator, which will cause the To Base64 operation to be performed on each of the input lines
By trial and error, we can see that the license with the license type in the first unknown spot is accepted as a valid license, and the license with the license type in the second unknown spot is not accepted.
Therefore, the correct License format is: email,license_type,start_date,expiration_date,secret_number
Congratulations! At this point, you should be able to make your own license.
However, you may notice that the status text box at the top says “CRACKED”, not “LICENSED”, like my example at the beginning showed.
Throughout the program, I have placed checks that make check whether the program has been patched. Note that even if you provide a valid number secret number and the secret number check is patched, the program will still display “CRACKED” instead of “LICENSED”. There are several approaches you may take to getting it to display “LICENSED” (And bypassing the popup congratulating you on patching the number check):
- Finding and patching all the checks for the patched functions
- Reverse engineering the secret number check and generating a valid secret number
- Reimplementing the secret number check in another language and brute-force checking for valid serial numbers
- Patching out the checks that determine whether to display the “CRACKED” message or the “Congratulations on patching message”
- Figuring out what algorithm I used to determine whether a secret number is valid or not (I didn’t create my own algorithm)