Announcement for 09/13

Hello, everyone! Today we’ll be having our general body meeting for the Information Security Club at Hinds Hall 011 at 8:00 PM! We’ve outlined a couple of topics that will be discussed at today’s meeting!

With the amount of new faces from the Involvement Fair, we’ll likely do another round of introductions and get everyone acquainted with one another, so have your best speaking voice at the ready.

Once introductions are out of the way, we’ll be focusing on teaching some of the basics of the command line. The command line is best learned by practicing, though, so after the lesson, we’ll have y’all perform some capture-the-flag challenges on PicoCTF. PicoCTF conveniently provides a shell built into the website, so you’ll have all the tools you’ll need for the challenges at-the-ready. Don’t forget that man <name of command> will show you the manuals for any command, so explore and learn as much as you can!

For those already comfortable with the command line or returning members, check the calendar, because competitions will be here before you know it! The deadline for team registrations for Hivestorm are September 23rd 10:00 PM Central, so start thinking about forming teams. We will share resources and documentation compiled by previous competitors, so make sure to study it well in preparation for the competition.

We’re excited for the meeting, and we hope to see everyone there!

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